In one of my previous article i had shared some of the frequently asked job interview questions - a list of top 20 questions. one among them was ' What Is Your Greatest Strength?'
By posing this simple question the interviewer actually wants to your view of your potential qualities.
Here your response needs to be line with the skills that are important for the job you’re applying for.
By giving a positive answer you increase your chances in the final hiring decision.
Below I have shared some sample answers.. - What Is Your Greatest Strength?
Honesty and co-operative nature are my greatest strengths... and I always do work with excellence and dedication.
My greatest strength is that I like to consult/ask so I can manage my time efficiently, stay on top of things, and maintain balance between home and work.
Simplification is my biggest strength. I aim to innovate everything around me in sync with my workplace and personal life to simplify my deliverables to the company.
My greatest strenght is that I am a self confident person, I don't hesitate to perform any work if I don't have any knowledge about that work which is delegated to me. First I try my best to perform that work.
My biggest strength is my attitude, being optimistic and determined, the gift of wisdom that I use to pursue myself in everything I do, just believing in yourself!
My education, my experience and my knowledge of this area, all will contribute to my performing this position
I learn new job skills very quickly, I thrive under pressure, I'm very self-motivated, and I have a strong sense of personal integrity.
I believe my greatest strength is my willingness to learn from my mistakes and I won't take my failures to my heart.
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